Respondent Report "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 15 6% RESPONDENT INFORMATIONRespondent's Name* First Last Preferred PronounYour College or University (Select Independent if you are a community theatre partner)*---Allan Hancock CollegeAmerican Academy of Dramatic ArtsAmerican River CollegeAmerican Samoa Community CollegeAntelope Valley CollegeArizona State University, PhoenixArizona State University, TempeArizona State University, West CampusArizona Western CollegeAzusa Pacific UniversityBakersfield CollegeBarstow CollegeBrigham Young UniversityBrigham Young University, HawaiiBiola UniversityCabrillo CollegeCalifornia Baptist UniversityCalifornia Institute of the ArtsCalifornia Institute of TechnologyCalifornia Lutheran UniversityCalifornia State Polytechnic University, PomonaCalifornia State Polytechnic University, San Luis ObispoCalifornia State University, BakersfieldCalifornia State University, Dominguez HillsCalifornia State University, FresnoCalifornia State University, FullertonCalifornia State University, Los AngelesCalifornia State University, Monterey BayCalifornia State University, NorthridgeCalifornia State University, San BernardinoCalifornia State University, San MarcosCalifornia State University, StanislausCentral Arizona CollegeCerritos CollegeCerro Coso Community CollegeChabot CollegeChaffey CollegeChaminade University of HonoluluChandler-Gilbert Community CollegeChapman UniversityCitrus CollegeCochise CollegeCollege of the CanyonsCollege of the DesertCollege of the SequoiasCollege of Southern NevadaCoconino Community CollegeColumbia CollegeConcordia University IrvineCrafton CollegeCypress CollegeCuesta CollegeCuyamaca CollegeDixie State UniversityEast Los Angeles CollegeEastern Arizona CollegeEl Camino CollegeEl Camino College Compton Community Education CenterEstrella Mountain Community CollegeFort Lewis CollegeFresno City CollegeFresno Pacific UniversityFullerton CollegeGavilan CollegeGlendale College (Arizona)Glendale College (California)Golden West CollegeGrand Canyon UniversityGreat Basin CollegeGrossmont CollegeHartnell CollegeHawaii Pacific UniversityHussian College, Los AngelesImperial Valley CollegeIndependent/Professional Theatre ArtistIrvine Valley CollegeLa Sierra UniversityLas Positas CollegeLeeward Community CollegeLong Beach City CollegeLos Angeles City College Theatre AcademyLos Angeles Harbor CollegeLos Angeles Mission CollegeLos Angeles Southwest CollegeLos Angeles Valley CollegeLoyola Marymount UniversityMarymount California UniversityMaui Community CollegeMerced CollegeMesa Community CollegeMiraCosta CollegeModest Junior CollegeMojave Community CollegeMonterey Peninsula CollegeMoorpark CollegeMt. San Antonio CollegeMt. San Jacinto CollegeNorthern Arizona UniversityNorthland Pioneer CollegeOccidental CollegeOrange Coast CollegeOxnard CollegePalos Verde CollegePalomar CollegeParadise Valley Community CollegePasadena City CollegePepperdine UniversityPhoenix CollegePima Community CollegePierce CollegePoint Loma Nazarene CollegePomona CollegePorterville CollegeReedley CollegeRio Hondo CollegeRiverside Community CollegeSaddleback CollegeSaint Mary's College of CaliforniaSalt Lake Community CollegeSan Bernardino Valley CollegeSanta Ana CollegeSan Diego City CollegeSan Diego Mesa CollegeSan Diego Miramar CollegeSan Diego State UniversitySanta Barbara City CollegeSanta Monica CollegeSanta Rosa Junior CollegeSantiago Canyon CollegeScottsdale Community CollegeSnow CollegeSoka UniversitySouth Mountain Community CollegeSouthern Utah UniversitySouthwestern CollegeTaft CollegeUniversity of ArizonaUniversity of California, IrvineUniversity of California, Los AngelesUniversity of California, MercedUniversity of California, RiversideUniversity of California, San DiegoUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraUniversity of California, Santa ClaraUniversity of California, Santa CruzUniversity of GuamUniversity of Hawai’i at HiloUniversity of Hawai’i at Kapi’olani,University of Hawai’i at ManoaUniversity of La VerneUniversity of NevadaUniversity of Nevada, Las VegasUniversity of San DiegoUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of UtahUtah State UniversityUtah State University EasternUtah Valley UniversityVanguard University of Southern CaliforniaVentura CollegeVictor Valley Community CollegeWeber State UniversityWest Hills College, CoalingaWest Los Angeles CollegeWestminster CollegeWestmont CollegeWhittier CollegeWindward Community CollegeYavapai CollegeYour Email Address* Best Contact Phone Number* PRODUCTION INFORMATIONProduction TitleRunningTime:Date Seen*MonthMonth123456789101112DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Select Entry Type*ParticipatingAssociateSelect a Circuit*GREATER ORANGE COUNTYGREATER INLAND EMPIREGREATER LOS ANGELESLOS ANGELES METROCENTRAL CALIFORNIANORTH CENTRAL CALIFORNIASAN DIEGOROCKY MOUNTAINS AND SOUTHERN NEVADAARIZONAPACIFIC ISLANDSNATIONAL PLAYWRITING PROGRAMProducing School*Biola UniversityCalifornia State University, FullertonChapman UniversityCerritos CollegeConcordia University IrvineCypress CollegeFullerton CollegeGolden West CollegeIrvine Valley CollegeOrange Coast CollegeSaddleback CollegeSanta Ana CollegeSantiago Canyon CollegeUniversity of California, IrvineVanguard University of Southern CaliforniaProducing School*Antelope Valley CollegeAzusa Pacific UniversityCalifornia State UniversityBarstow CollegeCalifornia Baptist UniversityCalifornia State Polytechnic University, PomonaCalifornia State University, San BernardinoChaffey CollegCrafton Hills CollegeCitrus CollegeCollege of the DesertLa Sierra UniversityMount San Jacinto CollegeMount San Antonio CollegePalo Verde CollegePomona CollegeRio Hondo CollegeRiverside Community CollegeSan Bernardino Valley CollegeUniversity of California, RiversideUniversity of LaVerneUniversity of RedlandsVictor Valley Community CollegeWhittier CollegeProducing School*California Institute of the ArtsCalifornia Institute of TechnologyCalifornia Lutheran UniversityCalifornia State University NorthridgeCollege of the CanyonsGlendale Community College (California)Hussian College, Los AngelesLong Beach City CollegeLos Angeles Mission CollegeLos Angeles Pierce CollegeLos Angeles Valley CollegeMoorpark CollegeOccidental CollegeOxnard CollegePasadena City CollegePepperdine UniversitySanta Monica CollegeVentura CollegeProducing School*Allan Hancock CollegeBakersfield CollegeCalifornia Polytechnic State University, San Luis ObispoCalifornia State University, BakersfieldCalifornia State University, FresnoCalifornia State University, Monterey BayCerro Coso Community CollegeCollege of The SequoiasCuesta CollegeFresno City CollegeFresno Pacific UniversityPorterville CollegeReedley CollegeSanta Barbara City CollegeTaft CollegeUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraWest Hills College, CoalingaWestmont CollegeProducing School*California State University Dominguez HillsCalifornia State University Long BeachCalifornia State University Los AngelesEast Los Angeles CollegeEl Camino College, El Camino College Compton Community Education CenterHussian College Los AngelesLong Beach City CollegeLos Angeles City College Theatre AcademyLos Angeles Harbor CollegeLos Angeles Southwest CollegeLoyola Marymount UniversityMarymount California UniversityUniversity of California, Los AngelesUniversity of Southern CaliforniaWest Los Angeles CollegeProducing School*Cabrillo CollegeCalifornia State University, Monterey BayCalifornia State University, StanislausColumbia CollegeGavilan CollegeHartnell CollegeLas Positas CollegeMerced CollegeModesto Junior CollegeMonterey Peninsula CollegeSaint Mary’s College of CaliforniaSanta Rosa Junior CollegeTaft CollegeUniversity of California, MercedUniversity of California, Santa CruzProducing School*California State University, San MarcosCuyamaca CollegeGrossmont CollegeImperial Valley CollegeMiraCosta CollegePalomar CollegePoint Loma Nazarene CollegeSan Diego City CollegeSan Diego Mesa CollegeSan Diego Mirimar CollegeSan Diego State UniversitySouthwestern CollegeUniversity of California San DiegoUniversity of San DiegoProducing School*Brigham Young UniversityCollege of Eastern UtahCollege of Southern NevadaDixie State College of UtahGreat Basin CollegeSalt Lake Community CollegeSnow CollegeSouthern Utah UniversityUniversity of Nevada Las VegasUniversity Of UtahUtah State UniversityUtah Valley UniversityWeber State UniversityWestminster CollegeProducing Schol*Arizona State University, PhoenixArizona State University TempeArizona State University West CampusArizona Western CollegeCentral Arizona UniversityChandler-Gilbert Community CollegeCochise CollegeCoconino Community CollegeEastern Arizona CollegeEstrella Mountain Community CollegeGlendale Community College (Arizona)Grand Canyon UniversityIndependentMesa Community CollegeMojave Community CollegeNorthern Arizona UniversityNorthland Pioneer CollegeParadise Valley Community CollegePhoenix CollegePima Community CollegeScottsdale Community CollegeSouth Mountain Community CollegeUniversity of ArizonaYavapai CollegeProducing School*American Samoa Community CollegeBrigham Young University (Hawaii)Chaminade University Of HonoluluFort Lewis CollegeHawaii Pacific UniversityLeeward Community CollegeMaui Community CollegeUniversity of GuamUniversity of Hawai’i at HiloUniversity of Hawai’i at Kapi’olaniUniversity of Hawai’i at ManoaWindward Community CollegeProducing School*Allan Hancock CollegeAmerican Academy of Dramatic ArtsAmerican Samoa Community CollegeAntelope Valley CollegeArizona State University, PhoenixArizona State University, TempeArizona State University, West CampusArizona Western CollegeAzusa Pacific UniversityBakersfield CollegeBarstow CollegeBrigham Young UniversityBrigham Young University, HawaiiBiola UniversityCabrillo CollegeCalifornia Baptist UniversityCalifornia Institute of the ArtsCalifornia Institute of TechnologyCalifornia Lutheran UniversityCalifornia State Polytechnic University, PomonaCalifornia State Polytechnic University, San Luis ObispoCalifornia State University, BakersfieldCalifornia State University, Channel IslandsCalifornia State University, Dominguez HillsCalifornia State University, FresnoCalifornia State University, FullertonCalifornia State University, Los AngelesCalifornia State University, Monterey BayCalifornia State University, NothridgeCalifornia State University, San BernardinoCalifornia State University, San MarcosCalifornia State University, StanislausCentral Arizona CollegeCerritos CollegeCerro Coso Community CollegeChaffey CollegeChaminade University of HonoluluChandler-Gilbert Community CollegeChapman UniversityCitrus CollegeCochise CollegeCollege of the CanyonsCollege of the DesertCollege of the SequoiasCollege of Southern NevadaCoconino Community CollegeColumbia CollegeConcordia University IrvineCrafton CollegeCypress CollegeCuesta CollegeCuyamaca CollegeDixie State UniversityEast Los Angeles CollegeEastern Arizona CollegeEl Camino CollegeEl Camino College Compton Community Education CenterEstrella Mountain Community CollegeFort Lewis CollegeFresno City CollegeFresno Pacific UniversityFullerton CollegeGavilan CollegeGlendale College (Arizona)Glendale College (California)Golden West CollegeGrand Canyon UniversityGreat Basin CollegeGrossmont CollegeHartnell CollegeHawaii Pacific UniversityHussian College Los AngelesImperial Valley CollegeIrvine Valley CollegeLa Sierra UniversityLeeward Community CollegeLong Beach City CollegeLos Angeles City College Theatre AcademyLos Angeles Harbor CollegeLos Angeles Mission CollegeLos Angeles Southwest CollegeLos Angeles Valley CollegeLoyola Marymount UniversityMarymount California UniversityMaui Community CollegeMerced CollegeMesa Community CollegeMiracosta CollegeModest Junior CollegeMojave Community CollegeMonterey Peninsula CollegeMoorpark CollegeMount San Antonio CollegeMount San Jacinto CollegeNorthern Arizona UniversityNorthland Pioneer ColegeOccidental CollegeOrange Coast CollegeOxnard CollegePalos Verde CollegePalomar CollegeParadise Valley Community CollegePasadena City CollegePCPA TheatrefestPepperdine UniversityPhoenix CollegePima Community CollegePierce CollegePoint Loma Nazarene CollegePomona CollegePorterville CollegeReedley CollegeRio Hondo CollegeRiverside Community CollegeSaddleback CollegeSalt Lake Community CollegeSan Bernardino Valley CollegeSanta Ana CollegeSan Diego City CollegeSan Diego Mesa CollegeSan Diego Miramar CollegeSan Diego State UniversitySanta Barbara City CollegeSanta Monica CollegeSantiago Canyon CollegeScottsdale Community CollegeSnow CollegeSoka UniversitySouth Mountain Community CollegeSouthern Utah UniversitySouthwestern CollegeStella Adler Academy of Acting & TheatresTaft CollegeUniversity of ArizonaUniversity of California, IrvineUniversity of California, Los AngelesUniversity of California, MercedUniversity of California, RiversideUniversity of California, San DiegoUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraUniversity of California, Santa ClaraUniversity of California, Santa CruzUniversity of GuamUniversity of Hawai’i at HiloUniversity of Hawai’i at Kapi’olani,University of Hawai’i at ManoaUniversity of La VerneUniversity of NevadaUniversity of Nevada, Las VegasUniversity of San DiegoUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of UtahUtah State UniversityUtah State University EasternUtah Valley UniversityVanguard University of Southern CaliforniaVentura CollegeVictor Valley Community CollegeWeber State UniversityWest Hills College, CoalingaWest Los Angeles CollegeWestminster CollegeWestmont CollegeWhittier CollegeWindward Community CollegeYavapai CollegePlaywright STUDENT DIRECTOR INFORMATIONStudent Director's Name Last First Student Director’s Email IRENE RYAN NOMINATIONSDirector's Nominee's Name Last First Director’s Nominee RoleRespondent's First Nominee's Name Last First Respondent’s First Nominee RoleRespondent's Second Nominee's Name (FOR PARTICIPATING PRODUCTIONS ONLY) Last First Respondent’s Second Nominee’s Nominee Role (Nomination for PARTICIPATING Productions ONLY.) MERITORIOUS ACHIEVEMENT AWARDSThis is a reminder that respondents should use restraint when requesting Meritorious Achievement certificates be prepared. Two certificates may be requested for work that is exceptional, but is not covered under other award categories such as Ryans for acting, design (set, lighting, sound, costume, makeup and allied crafts), stage management, dramaturgy and writing. Awarding certificates for ensemble work and to entire casts should also be avoided. A meritorious certificate should be a way of singling out exceptional contribution to a production, but if it is awarded too often, or indiscriminately, it loses its exceptional status.Meritorious Award RecipientsLast NameFirst NameProduction Assignment Add Remove*Please avoid performance awards and ensemble acting awards in this category* RESPONSE SESSION FEEDBACKPlease provide feedback regarding the production and response session here: FESTIVAL CONSIDERATIONThe following pages of questions relate to Festival Invitation consideration. If this is a Participating Production, please answer the questions that follow.Please use the following rankings to justify your overall evaluation of this Participating Production.* 10: Extraordinary production. A rare slam-dunk, must see at the Festival. Excellent in all designated competencies: performance, directing, design and technical efficiency, theatricality and/or innovation. 9: Excellent production. A very strong candidate for Festival selection. Excellent in at least three of the designated competencies and very strong in the rest: performance, directing, design and technical efficiency, theatricality and/or innovation. 8: Very strong production. Production should be seriously considered. Excellent in at least two fo the following areas and strong in the rest: performance, directing, design and technical efficiency, theatricality and/or innovation. 7: Strong production. A borderline Festival selection. Excellent in at least one of the following areas and strong or at least competent in the rest: performance, directing, design and technical efficiency, theatricality and/or innovation. 6: Engaging production. Likely missed the cut for Festival selection. Solid or competent in three areas but weak in one of the designated competencies: performance, directing, design and technical efficiency, theatricality and/or innovation. 5: Proficient production. A long shot at best for Festival selection. Solid or competent in two areas but weak in two of the designated competencies: performance, directing, design and technical efficiency, theatricality and/or innovation. 4: Developing production. No chance for Festival selection. Competent in one or less areas and weak in three or four designated competencies: performance, directing, design and technical efficiency, theatricality and/or innovation. 3: Developing production. No chance for Festival selection. Competent in one or less areas and weak in three or four designated competencies: performance, directing, design and technical efficiency, theatricality and/or innovation. 2: Developing production. No chance for Festival selection. Competent in one or less areas and weak in three or four designated competencies: performance, directing, design and technical efficiency, theatricality and/or innovation. 1: Developing production. No chance for Festival selection. Competent in one or less areas and weak in three or four designated competencies: performance, directing, design and technical efficiency, theatricality and/or innovation. Not Applicable: This production is not a Participating Production entry. PRODUCTION SELECTION RUBRIC CRITERIAUse the following guidelines in your ranking. 5: Extraordinary production – Rare, a slam-dunk, must see at festival. Excellent in all the designated competencies: performance; directing; design and technical efficiency; theatricality; representation, equity and diversity; student driven and/or innovation. 4: Excellent production – A very strong candidate for festival selection. Excellent in at least five of the designated competencies and very strong in the rest: performance; directing; design and technical efficiency; theatricality; representation, equity and diversity; student driven and/or innovation. 3: Strong production – A borderline festival selection. Excellent in at least four of the following areas and strong or at least competent in the rest: performance; directing; design and technical efficiency; theatricality; representation, equity and diversity; student driven and/or innovation. 2: Proficient production – A long shot at best for festival selection. Excellent in at least three, solid or competent in two areas but weak in two or more of the designated competencies: performance; directing; design and technical efficiency; theatricality; representation, equity and diversity; student driven and/or innovation. 1: Developing production – No chance of festival selection. Competent in one or less areas and weak in three or four of the designated competencies: performance; directing; design and technical efficiency; theatricality; representation, equity and diversity; student driven and/or innovation. OVERALL EXECUTIONWas it well acted/sung (if musical) overall? 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:Was it well directed? 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:Did it feature strong design? 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate: MEANINGFUL LEARNING OPPORTUNITIESUsing the aforementioned rubric, please answer the following questions.Does it offer a meaningful learning opportunity in technique? 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:Was there an innovative or unique vision that surprised the viewer? 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:Is there a compelling “Why this play now?” argument? 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate: REPRESENTATION, EQUITY, AND DIVERSITY ALIGNEDUsing the aforementioned rubric, please answer the following questions.Is it written by a woman, person of color, gender non-conforming, member of the LGBTQ+ community, or different-abled person? 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:Is the cast primarily from communities of marginalized people groups or the global majority? 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:Does the production in concept or text promote anti-racism and decolonization? 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate: HOW MUCH STUDENT INITIATIVE DID IT DEMONSTRATE?Using the aforementioned rubric, please answer the following questions.What percent is student designed? 5=Over 50% 2.5=Under 50% Was the play student written? 5=Over 50% 2.5=Under 50% 0=No I don't know. Was it student directed work? 5=Over 50% 2.5=Under 50% 0=No I don't know. GOOD FIT FOR FESTIVALUsing the aforementioned rubric, please answer the following questions.Would the students be excited to see this at festival? 5=Over 50% 2.5=Under 50% INVITED SCENESScenes from both ASSOCIATE & PARTICIPATING productions are eligible for an invited scene. Do you feel there is a short scene (7-8 minutes) worthy of the night of Invitational Scenes?* Yes No If you answered yes, have you discussed the possibility with the director to ascertain whether they would be willing to bring the scene to Festival? Yes No Approximate number of actors in the sceneTechnical challenges, if any INVITED SCENES SELECTION RUBRIC CRITERIA Use the following guidelines in your ranking. 5: Extraordinary scene work 4: Excellent scene work 3: Strong scene work 2: Proficient scene work 1: Developing scene work Please describe or identify the scene you are recommending for Festival consideration. If no scene is recommended, please respond with "I am not recommending a scene from this production."*This scene is characterized by exceptionally impressive vocal work. 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:This scene is characterized by exceptionally impressive physical work. 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:This scene is an extraordinary example of ensemble performance. 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:This scene is especially notable for its unique attributes (examples include the use of circus techniques, puppetry, stage combat, etc.). 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:This scene stands out for its demonstration of outstanding acting technique, relationship, and characterization. 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:This scene is thoroughly entertaining. 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:This scene is impressive because of its innovative staging, style, or approach. 5 4 3 2 1 Please justify your rating with as much detail as seems appropriate:Any other comments that support why this scene should be among 8 or 10 selected from as many as 80 recommended scenes?NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.