Registration Fees Increase September 1, 2024

Associate Productions In-Person Response $300

Participating Productions In-Person Response $400

“The National Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival brought together some of the best and brightest theatre student artists in the country to share, learn, collaborate, and perform. As always, the National Festival confirmed the future of theatre is bright.

After the National Festival, the KCACTF National Committee met to discuss the 2025 festivals and beyond. We had many discussions about shaping the future of KCACTF and had to make tough decisions.

After careful consideration and analysis, we have made the decision to adjust our fee structure. Effective September 1, 2024, the registration fee for associate productions will increase to $300, and participating productions will increase to $400. We understand that any fee adjustment may raise questions, so we want to provide advance notice. All productions registered prior to September 1 will fall under the previous fee structure. This adjustment reflects the increasing costs to cover our respondents’ travel and maintain the quality of
our regional festivals.

We value your partnership and support of student work, and we assure you that these changes are made with careful consideration to ensure the financial future of KCACTF. We remain dedicated to our continued focus on student work and look forward to continuing our successful collaboration.

If you have questions or concerns about these changes, or any questions throughout the year, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

We understand that this is a singular moment and do not anticipate additional fee increases in the near future.

With much appreciation,

Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival National Committee”